Formal Data Validation Tutorial at ABZ 2014, Toulouse
At the occasion of the ABZ 2014 conference, a tutorial on formal data validation is organized at ENSEEIHT together with workshops (see details here). The...

Presentation to M2 STL students
On March 14th, 2014, we shall present to M2 STL students – Pierre & Marie Curie University in Paris, various industrial cases of the use of the formal B...

Atelier B 4.1.1
Atelier B 4.1.1 is available for download for Atelier B 4 maintenance contract holders. This release brings 59 bug corrections and 7 improvements. Most...

Newcastle University Technical Seminar
CLEARSY is contributing to a technical seminar organized by Newcastle University on 24 October 2013. Formal methods are used worldwide to improve safety in...

CAI 2013 Conference
CLEARSY participated to CAI 2013 conference (International Conference on Algebraic Informatics) held in Porquerolles (France) 3-6 September 2013. A talk,...

Dagstuhl Seminar 2013
CLEARSY attended a Seminar,"Integration of Tools for Rigorous Software Construction and Analysis" (13372), held at Schloss Dagstuhl in Germany (8-13...