The international conference on formal methods (FM 2018)
During the international conference on formal methods (FM 2018), which will take place in Oxford on 15-17 July 2018, CLEARSY will present its vision on the...

Conference on formal methods (FM 2018) – Oxford
During the international conference on formal methods (FM 2018), which will take place in Oxford on 15-17 July 2018, CLEARSY will present its vision on the...

Formal methods for cyber-physical systems – Shonan
CLEARSY will organize an invitational scientific seminar on the industrial use of formal methods for cyber-physical systems, in Shonan (south of Tokyo), from...

Formal methods in action in the railways
Formal methods are now industry ready, able to scale up to real siez railway projects and to provide a real for successfully completing safety demonstrations....

International conference SBMF 2017
CLEARSY will participate to the international conference SBMF 2017 ( on formal methods that will take place on November...

Next training session B, level 2
The next training B will be a level 2 session and will take place from 24 to 27 July 2017 in Paris. Remember to sign up!