Smart Event 2009 – Forcoment Project Presentation, developed with Atelier B
Marc Benveniste (STMicroelectronics) presented at the Smart Event 2009, an article entitled "A Proved "Correct by Construction" Memory Protection Unit", in...

ProB can be used from Atelier B 4.0
ProB can be used from Atelier B4.0 to prove and animate B model software and events thanks to the extension mecanism which allows for Atelier B to be...

Status Report about Traductions
Many of you have answered us in order to participate in the translation of manuals dedicated to Atelier B: thank you. Here is a status report on our work: The...

Workshop on Recent Innovations and Applications in B
The "Recent Innovations and Applications in B" (RIAB) workshop will be held at Eindhoven on 3 November 2009 as part of the Formal Methods week. For more...

Atelier B 4.0 is available !
CLEARSY has the pleasure to announce the release of Atelier B 4.0. This version comes with a brand new mode of distribution : the download of Atelier B 4.0 is...

Atelier B 4.0 is available in beta test 2
After 2 months testing the beta 1, here today Atelier B 4.0 beta 2. We wish to thank all contributors who helped us to improve this version. Windows (17 Mo)...