LCHIP platform is a combination of a B method (formal method) Integrated Development Environment and a secured runtime platform able to execute software in real-time. The IDE generates and mathematically proves critical software source code in an automated process. When it comes to simple algorithms, the IDE extends functionalities of Atelier B (software to develop in B method). The low cost runtime platform, which runs software from the IDE, is secured in real-time in order to provide an optimum safety. “Such a combination reduces ten times the cost of the secured platform” Thierry Lecomte, expert in Atelier B at CLEARSY explains.
CLEARSY, expert in safety critical system and developer of Atelier B, is leading the project. It is funded by the unique interdepartmental fund (FUI) which was created to support applied research (FUI-21). Supported by Systematic Paris-Region, I-Trans and SCS (Solutions Communicantes Sécurisées), LCHIP is developed by a consortium coordinated by CLEARSY as project manager. “However, the platform will be able to read and translate other coding languages to enable a widespread use of the technology outside the consortium.” Thierry Lecomte says.
Nowadays few highly critical safety systems are deployed because of cost, but LCHIP is drastically reducing costs to make it more accessible. Consequently, LCHIP will enhance safety for citizens. The SNCF, member of the consortium will be the first to test the new technology on railway major case studies.
Lambda Mu congress will take place in St Malo (France) from the 11th to 13th of October and it will be organized by IMDR (Institut de la Maitrise des Risques). Thierry Lecomte’s communication about “Double core processor and formal proof for SIL4 automation” is planned to Thursday the 13th at 2pm. CLEARSY will also hold a booth during the congress, please free to stop by for further information.