During the international conference on formal methods (FM 2018), which will take place in Oxford on 15-17 July 2018, CLEARSY will present its vision on the...

During the international conference on formal methods (FM 2018), which will take place in Oxford on 15-17 July 2018, CLEARSY will present its vision on the...
CLEARSY will organize an invitational scientific seminar on the industrial use of formal methods for cyber-physical systems, in Shonan (south of Tokyo), from...
Formal methods are now industry ready, able to scale up to real siez railway projects and to provide a real for successfully completing safety demonstrations....
CLEARSY will participate to the international conference SBMF 2017 (http://sbmf2017.cin.ufpe.br/) on formal methods that will take place on November...
The next training B will be a level 2 session and will take place from 24 to 27 July 2017 in Paris. Remember to sign up!
The new version 4.4.2 of the AtelierB toolset for the B method has been released. This comes with numerous bug fixes and several feature improvement that will...